Monday, July 07, 2003

A diatribe for your edification

I am amongst the beggars in Chicago every day. What is the PC term for that? I know they aren't all vagrants or homeless. Spangers (spare-changers) is what they were called in Portland. I always thought it a more friendly and all encompassing term.
I generally don't feel sorry for them, and that's my callousness. I'll look at them even if I don't have change to give them. I'm sure there are enough people who pretend that they don't exist. Sometimes they get change, a cigarette, a word or smile from me. Don't get me wrong, I'm nobody's moral better, most of the time they get nothing. There's a scrawny old man with a dog. He gets plenty of attention so I've never stopped. I keep meaning to bring the dog biscuits sitting in a canister in my apartment, moved in anticipation of my dog who I can't (in good conscience) let join me. I never remember. Or I think "Good thing I didn't bring them today" if he isn't there. I notice when they are not there. I miss them as you would miss a bus stop. "Well I guess I'll have to walk another block to find one"
I passed a well dressed young man selling candy "Support Christian Schools" and kept walking. A bit of resentment welling up. That was the old, half blind, Street Wise sellers corner. Who did this kid think he was in his oxford button down and tie? It could also just be my harbored resentment for the Christian Schools in general, but I think I was slighted for my Street Wise Guy. The next day I passed someone asking for spare change for the Red Cross. Walking up and down begging with a Red Cross standard issue box with a slot. Good cause and all but I was annoyed. I have cultivated a disdain for organizations that beg. They are organizations for crying out loud! Just creating another spanger. Hold a telethon, have a fund raising party where all those people, too well dressed and too busy to look at the everyday spangers, can feel good about themselves.
What if the spangers organized. The Spangers Union. It could have subsections. The Drug addicts and alcoholics branch can meet at NA meetings for coffee, donuts and to discuss where they bought their vice of choice the cheapest. The homeless could meet at a different persons cardboard box or covered walkway and discuss the best place to crash or trash dive while they sipped half drunk and discarded lattés. The veterans could meet in a VA meeting room. Searching for hidden microphones, discussing conspiracy theories while they throw away or trade meds. The musicians can practice and exchange ideas of what music works best for the place and time of day. If there was a union they could all organize so as to make the most of the corners. No overlapping, no empty corner when some regular can't make it that day. Best of all they could keep these pretentious organization spangers off the street and out of my way!


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