Tuesday, October 26, 2004

"That's what I do"

Damn I hate this funkity-funk.
The other night at my party someone had to get all philosophical. “If you were going to die next week what would you do differently?”
Of course the one who asked it stated she would change nothing. Those people are very rare and very satisfied with their lives and make people like me (who work for a paycheck, live for the future, and medicate to numb the knowledge) feel like unfulfilled shit.

KC took over the catering at my party. She's a chef. When I thanked her she just said, “That’s what I do”
Nita paints, Mimi writes, R codes, Ramrod acts, 3 is a musician: That’s what they do.
There’s nothing for me to claim. I’ve quit everything I ever did; either lost the passion or talent, or never had it. There is nothing employment or career wise I crave
Apparently I get depressed. “It’s what I do”


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