Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Were they something like hers

I've forgotten what your lips feel like.
A memory that was burned into my essence for years has slipped away. I wouldn't even have noticed it was gone except for the dream. Not being able to reconstruct the feeling there was a pause and the improv dream players could not kiss. Its not that I dream of you or of you kisses but my dreams are precise and exact.
If it is a reoccurring dream, I am aware if it changes even the least bit. If it is something possible it must be realistic. If it is something from memory it must be accurate or it will not run smoothly. In the awareness that it is a dream I will change things to rectify the incongruity and rerun the scene or else wake up.
So I lay there as an observer, still dreaming, realizing the thing that was gone. Like a memory you became so use to never forgetting, you never noticed you forgot.


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