Monday, January 01, 2007

Question of the Year

Why do people insist on New Years Resolutions?
Why is it if you do not make one you are just being an uncommitted chicken (or some such thing)? I’m sorry. I just don’t have one. I never made them but I did have plans.

What do I really want from this year might be a better question, and yet still one I couldn’t answer.

There seems to have been a time when I could plan my life out. When I was younger it was planned in benchmarks, 12 – 17 – 22, and for the most part by the time I arrived at those benchmarks I had about what I had expected.
Then it was “In the next 5 years I will…”
Now it seems I am at a loss.
Could it be that there are no goals left?
That seems impossible, and yet it seems there is a lack of destination.
I expect that I will maintain this job (in an unchanging manner) and continue to call it a career. In 30 years I expect to have my home paid off. I will do some traveling, I will gain and lose weight, I will start and quit projects and habits, everything will generally continue. There will be births and deaths around me. The world will turn and humanity will continue to grind it down. Life will be peppered with the unexpected I am prepared for and the unexpected I am not.

Maybe I’m at that “what’s left?” point.
What else do I need?

I never WAS terribly driven.


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