Sunday, June 26, 2005


The coffee shop plays the hearts adrenalin
sounding raspy like Dylan and sometimes Tom Wates
while the steam jockey looks like he could be my brother
except for the absence of love in my eyes.
The steam kisses him for me.
Rattling, shaking, hissing
as the espresso bean grinder
pulses under one hand, while the other
rat-tat-tat's old grounds aside
making a thick mud consistency strong enough
to walk back to Mississippi on it's own.
The humming grows louder
the more sleepy people begin to wake up
the more motion the more consumed
the faster they vibrate
until perhaps you think their standing still
as they force more hot vibrations
down their stomach, chanting ah sweet bean
as the macchiatos, lattes, espressos, and mochas
line up at the edge to jump to the hands
of the people as the sit or stand
in a forward motion


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