Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Either he's getting older or I am

My father is coming to visit me in this big city where use to live about 100 years ago. Okay maybe it was only 40 or 50 years ago. He’ll be staying a week. I’ll either meet him at the train station or he’ll take a cab to a bar near by where I work and then we’ll go to my house (only about 10 blocks from where he grew up). I’m gonna take him to visit his widowed Aunt on the weekend but will work during the week. I asked him what he was going to do the rest of the time and he said look up some old friends and relatives. That’s good, it’s about time, and he hasn’t done that in years. He’s got it all planned out. Well as far as plans go for my dad. Maybe he’ll call these people before he comes up, maybe not. I’m fairly sure he’ll call the transit authorities to figure out a rout, but maybe that will wait till he’s here too. After all it’s “His town”.
I felt this little stab of panic. “You’re sure you don’t want me to hire a driver? I, I mean if you want to go out and visit Aunt Peggy during the week?” He told me he’d just be staying in town during the week.
The city is big. One of the friends he plans on visiting lives 3 bus transfers and an hour away. 10 years ago I wouldn’t have given it another thought. I would have said “Cool, whatever”. 5 years ago I might have checked the teansit rout out of courtesy, and maybe said “You sure?”
Da’s getting older. I think his hearing is going which makes his equilibrium off. I think of all the traffic, I think of all the obstacles on the sidewalks, I think about how sometimes the bus won’t stop if you aren’t exactly at the sign. I look up the rout so I can describe to him where to go and wait but I’m not even sure.
Which one of us is it that has changed? Mentally, I’m sure it’s me. He thinks nothing of these things, which I would NEVER voice, running through my head. It’s a fine line. He’s my father, not my friend or child. It was his town long before I checked and rechecked maps finally asking his recommendations how to get to and from work here. He has his hooks and his cane. He is blind with no hands, not helpless with no voice. There are too many ways I could insult him by voicing my worries. So I can’t say anything. Like the many times as a child I bit my tongue as I cleaned a cut or scrape because he fell on the rail road tracks, or told him his shirt was bloody and took the broken sunglasses away from his milk swirled eyes as he explained he walked into a door somebody left open, a sign that hadn’t been there before or a pole that always had.

I’ll check out the obstacles to the bus stop on the way home when I get off the bus. I can do that without adding insult to…
Well at least it might make me feel a little better.


At 2:24 PM, Blogger Johnny Menace said...

your about to become a taxi service..

At 3:30 PM, Blogger Perdita said...

I hear what your saying but...
I don't need a car in the city so mine lives at my moms house (so far out of town people think it's another state). Besides, I have to go to work in the day.

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Stormieweather said...

You're probably going to be worried all while he's out and about (I would worry about someone taking advantage of his situation). This is a hard one, you do feel like the.. I don't know how to say it - not the parent or care giver.. I don't know. Like you said he would be insulted by any suggestion that makes him feel like he can't care for himself.

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Perdita said...

Don't get me wrong. He is completely competent. He has been the bread winner, he has always gotten around by himself, my high school friends (and many, many, other people) were not convinced he was really blind because he had a great sense of space, etc, and he's been blind since his early teens.
That's why it's so odd that I feel this way.
I kinda feel like he’s TOO confident. Most of us realize we can’t do all the things at the same intensity we use to as we age. But some people are stubborn or have a bit of the Peter Pan Syndrome. For the most part, I have complete faith in him. There’s just this little nagging concern…Maybe I just don’t want anything to happen on my watch. Maybe I’m thinking of me and not him.
But I suppose his defiance and tenacity is what has gotten him thru his life. Maybe that is partly what this is to him. Proving he can still do everything. One of my friends said that it's just the way it is. The older you get the more the roles reverse with your parents.

Maybe it's just seasonal affective disorder paranoia


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