Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Tis the season

Christmas traditions at my moms house

1. Chores will be done
I was ACTUALLY using the upright vacuum to clean the futon.

Amazing what you find in the couch cushions

2. Christmas stockings are to be taken to Walgreens Christmas morning. You will be given $20 for goodies, but it has to all fit in the stocking.
3. Games will be played.
4. The Jug* will be passed.

5. There will be at least one (non-alcohol related) screaming match amongst the immediate family.
6. There will be at least 3 large meals
7. Everyone I visit will be disappointed I don't have more time to spend with them
8. Someone will get socks
9. Someone will trip over a dog almost dropping the goose/lamb/turkey or duck

* The jug is a musical instrument because no one ever trusted his drinking companions. You blow to make the tone, drink, and blow to make the tone. That way everyone knows how much you are drinking. My mom can do an octave in a big enough jug thats less than half full, she showed me on the Jim Beam bottle.

This year we can add: using a car to push mine because one wheel's break locked up.
wearing A Shriners Fez while playing pool and drinking

I love the holidays


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