Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Return of the dog

Or how my house became the UN

I have missed my dog living with me. For the past 3 years she has lived in the expansive house and 2 lot (5 fruit-treed, 2 gardened, grape arbor, with many other trees, squirrels) fenced in yard. It made more sense. I was always working late and I lived alone (well with the 2 cats). Then I got a job with normal hours and a roommate (also with 2 cats). So now with the job and roommate and 4 cats, I thought it was time to bring her back.

Meet Goethe. pronounced Gerta
Part Rottweiler. Part German Shepherd
So she got a good German name. Named for the author I youthfully loved (for morbidity and goth)
see: The Sorrows of Young Werther

Our first night back I had R take Goethe’s doggie bed in while I took her for a walk. He let the cats realize the smell was coming to join them and locked them up. Goethe and I came back and I had her ask to come in (so R could give us the all clear and let us in). Goethe looked around a bit and I opened doors to let the cats see that there was a dog. Gradually they came out. My 2 cats use to live with her and Skittie said, oh, it’s that dog, and went about her business. Dirt (who purrs like a construction site and meows like a mime) hisses with her silent little expression of air when she thinks Goethe is too close. I actually had to escort Goethe to the water because she tried to pass. “But that cat keeps hissing, please protect me.” Cody’s tail got really fluffy and we were worried she was gonna attack. Last time they met Goethe had a cat on her face within seconds. But this time she didn’t and let Goethe walk past her to go out. As for the 4th, Caddy is keeping out of sight. So far so good.

But I left the saddest face in the world in the morning.

I told her to be a good dog and watch the house and she said, without raising her face from her cowering position on the floor, “You bring me to a new place and abandon me?”

We played a little early in the morning and I took her out 3 times, but it was raining so, she didn’t really want to be out there, all she would do was pee.

I came home early last night because she didn't go in the morning, and she wouldn't look at me when I told her to be good and watch the house. It took her a while to forgive me even after I got home. She didn't even bark when I was unlocking the door. We took a walk for an hour. The dog parks are more like dog runs. No grass, long and kinda narrow. One dog park was too crowded for her (though, to her credit, she was very tolerant of the nosey dogs). We went to the other one, with only one dog and she told me I had brought the wrong toy. "I want the stuffed animals, not the foot ball" So we walked back home. We then sat out in the yard and played with monkey for at least 1/2 an hour. When R came home she (now thinking he hides out in the garage all day) came in and she crashed. She has refused to eat her food...till I put scrambled egg in it. And even after all of that, she still didn't poop not even when I stayed up to (wake her stiff self up) and take her out at 10. I was beginning to worry.

I will say that last night (at night she sleeps in the front of the house by the door) she barked at neighbors coming home, chatting, and going up the stairs. I got up told her she was good and decided to bring her back into the bedroom. WHERE ALL THE CATS WERE.
But that was without incident too, even thought ALL the cats got up in the night to break into the food bin. They had to walk by the DOG to do that.

This morning again she would not evacuate her bowels and I was kind of thinking if she didn’t I WOULD have a mess when I got home. I decided I had to take her for a walk to the dog park. Sure enough, it must have been just inconvenient enough to punish me. But, running late getting ready for work, there in the dark and the cold when my back was turned she relieved herself.

How can she be this spoiled? I mean at the apartment it was one thing. We knew we had to walk. But here there is a yard. "Oooh, I'm a city dog and city dogs get to poop in the park, don't try this yard stuff on me."

I'm less worried today. She was downcast when I left, but didn't make as big a deal out of it. I guess she has decided I do come back.


At 2:47 PM, Blogger furyouhin said...

They can be such sulkers. I had a cattledog who was usually very sunny but one time he got offended when I brought home a pair of hamsters. At first he was quite excited because he thought perhaps the hamsters were a new type of squeaky toy but once I shoo'd him away from their cage he went into a full-blown pout, which included walking into the living room, waiting until I made eye contact, and then slumping into a heap in the middle of the floor with a heavy sigh, his back turned to me. He kept it up for a week. What a turd.

He eventually got one of the hamsters, but that's another story.

At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pets these days you give them an inch and they take a mile

At 9:37 AM, Blogger Perdita said...

Furyouhin: I hear you. But a sulking puppy is still so, puppy. Goethe broke skitties jaw in 2 places once when they previously lived together, but she forgave her before she could eat solid foods again. I hear you with the "another story"

Boogaloo: I got all the pets together and told them "Due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go.". They just looked at me, looked at eachother and looked at R. I think they decided majority ruled and one of the humans should go.


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