Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Irony is that the guy who made humor seems to have a skewed sense of it.

This weekend was a family weekend. We spent going through R’s moms stuff. She is getting remarried after 10 years and they will be moving into her house. She finds herself needing to get rid of some things to make room for him. So the 4 of us, R, his brother, sister in law and myself went through the items discovering the only real items of contention were a large chair and a very old, very nice roasting pan. With R’s urging we let the roasting pan go and took the chair. He did have to promise to buy me a Dutch oven. There was some furniture we didn’t take because we would have no room for it. We said we would have to find a bigger place as it was.

The larger furniture went into storage till we rent a truck, and the rest came back with us. Our house looks like we let another roommate move in. I have been trying to figure out where everything will go. We’ll need new shelves, we may have to get rid of this chair and move the TV. I can take the leaves out of the dining room table… R caught me staring at the open cabinets and informed me staring at them would NOT make them smaller, unless I backed away and then it would only appear smaller not actually make space in the cabinet.
We had the energy to unload the car on Sunday but not the energy to put anything away. It’s just as well. Last night we got a call from the landlord. They are selling the house.
Next month.

To be fair we have joked since we first moved in we should be looking for another place. Not because we didn’t love it. I love that I have a fenced in yard where I can plant flowers and a little vegetable garden while my puppy runs about. I love the hard wood floors of this 100 year old house. But we knew when we moved in that the businesses had been pressuring homes and other businesses to sell. We knew it was just a matter of time before someone offered the right price.

R: Our lease runs out in June and they have to give us 60 days notice so the can’t throw us out till the beginning of August…I think

Me: Some how that is not as reassuring as I’m sure you intended it to sound

R: Well our current landlord’s think the business isn’t in a hurry to tare it down so they may keep it as a source of revenue. If so hopefully they would let us do a month to month lease so we don’t have to find a sub leaser when we do find a place

Me: Again, not as reassuring as I’m sure you intended

R: Well we don’t have to worry about it right now

Me: (pointing to myself and shrugging) HELLO?! Who do you think you are you talking to?

R:Your right I shouldn’t have mentioned it

Me: (5min later) Well, I guess I can quit trying to figure out where to put everything.

Now if only the California job would call. But that probably won’t happen till we buy a house.


At 11:33 PM, Blogger Stormieweather said...

Crap, 2 weeks! Let the worrying begin, that not enought time. Also, why would this business want to tear down 100 year old houses? What are they putting up instead?

At 11:36 PM, Blogger Stormieweather said...

sorry about the misspelling.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Perdita said...

Business is business and they all want to build

At 8:33 PM, Blogger furyouhin said...

25th is two days from today: what's happening? Are you going to move in with me?


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