Monday, June 27, 2005

Weather report

It’s been hot.
That’s it now, have a nice day.
Just kidding

I have a low threshold for heat. I wilt like a delicate flower. When I say this to anyone who knows me the break into peals of laughter. The idea of me being delicate is somewhat preposterous to them. But its true, the heat is hard on me.
It is the driest it has been since 1922. There hasn’t been any rain for almost 2 months, although the Meteorologists will say differently. It is not fair to say I have gotten rain just because some selected part of the city or suburb did. That’s like saying “We had cake” but not everyone got some.
This past week we have had temperatures of 97 and 100. Combine that with the amount of pavement, blacktop, and traffic and I’m surprised more people aren’t keeling over. I’ve actually started freezing bottles of water to pass out to the spangers on the street. They seem appreciate it more than money. I’m not doing it so people will think I’m great and I’m not telling you for that reason either.
1) I don’t want dead people littering the sidewalk and
2) I’m saying it’s hot!
Besides combine dead people and this heat and it’s gonna be worse than unwashed sweaty BO on the bus.

So my grass is dead, and my gardens (both the flowers in the front and the vegetables in the back) are struggling. I spent Friday afternoon toting many, many 30 gallon buckets of water to them. Pouring it into a bucket with holes in the bottom for a slow absorbing watering. I did this for an hour (3 to 4) and kept going into the house to collapse. I hopped in the shower 3 times to cool down. By the time R came home I was in the 3rd stage of heat exhaustion. I was staring vacantly (nothing new there) slow response, and I’d quit sweating. That final one was when I knew I had to quit. Too much water, not enough sodium, and a lack of whatever else it is that makes your body shut down.
R: Hey, you okay?
Me: I watered the plants Stare, stare, stare
R: Looks at wall I am fascinated by And are you okay?
Me: 30 gallon bucket, smaller bucket, tired, hot looking around for the voice I hear that I assume is in my head
R: Um, …okay?
Me: And still only the first 2 inches down are even damp.
R: I think we need a hose

I’m a delicate flower ...

So the next day my back is tense, my neck will only let me turn my head so far and we have social activities all day. Out to get the hose and grocery shop. I’m still drinking water like a mad person but it’s far too hot to eat. Then we go to a cook out. I guess these are usually held outside. Damn Sit in sun, Consume; Mojitos, beer, 2 chips and a slice of steak. On to dinner at a Vietnamese place where they put hot charcoal grills on the table and you cook it your self.
I cooked for anyone at our end of the table, didn’t eat and kept drinking wine. More wine, Bring more wine Apparently their wine is like plum Sake. Then on to bowling where I became loud, obnoxious, and threw a few (apparently) hard punches at a friend (still?) mocking him that he couldn’t take a punch, and had some choice words for R when he told me to sit-down and relax (which I cannot recall).

I’m a delicate flower… and I’m stupid too.

The next morning I was mortified by myself. I told R that, and he let me know it was worse than I remembered. Oh My God! I made a complete ass out of my self in front of his friends. He kinda excused it as being sick and achy and well, yes, quite drunk. Considering the (continuing) lingering feeling of shame. I think I need to take a (short) sabbatical from liquor.


At 2:33 PM, Blogger furyouhin said...

cold and rainy in pdx. blah.

thanks for the followup story on koya. don't be guilty, it sounds like you did the best you could for a dog that wasn't yours.


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