Saturday, July 16, 2005

"wiener Dogs in da Pool"

My weekend consisted of R and I hanging out with my best friend of 16 years and her family.
They have a pool, and there were two wiener dogs
2 days of that and I am so sunburned.
Advisory. Sunburn=no bra and loose shirt, No bra+ light weight shirt + band aids = Confused looks & square nipple comments

Quotes of the weekend:

When you use the Mickey Mouse Bathroom...are you supposed to wear the mouseka-ears that are in there?

Yeah I pooped outdoors once, but it was okay I had the paper bag from the 40 to wipe with.

That could be the title of your autobiography

your dog is *humping his mouth......
He's just tired.

You know your one of the family when the Col. gives you an M1, I suppose if you hadn't drunk till 4 got up at 6 and gone shooting you might have hit something....
I got a bulls eye.
Yeah but everyone you went with made it back

Your dog just mounted Willie
He's just playing
No, THAT was a prison shower scene and Owen told him to pick up the soap

*I've see it all now. this was not the ordinary dog licks self, etc. this dog folded himself in 2 and both ends would begin to bounce. Ergo: Humping his mouth.


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