Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tomorrow is 2 weeks out.

I am anxious.
It might help if everyone I meet would stop asking if I’m nervous. Nervous. Should I be? Are one or both of us going to bolt? But considering how much is still in the “unknown” category I think anxious is appropriate.

We got our license last Friday (involving a trip to the county where we will be blissfully wed) and to meet up with my matron of honor so she could practice my hair do. We made a quick stop by the homestead where the wedding will take place and were told that we would receive “a few more names to invite”. For someone who was afraid we would have too many guests (and so we paired our list down) the last minute addition of 12 more (added to their previous list) of their friends was a bit over the top.
Still, for the most part it was relaxing. It consisted of a day and a half by the pool swimming and trying to get our “base” on and my matron of honor threatening to kick my maid of honors ass because my dress wasn’t done. I defended her, while trying to control my own panic, and then wondered how that was any different than her not having time to do my hair. I left still wondering what it will look like.

I have no idea what will be served at the wedding, I don’t know what time to tell the photographer to show up for a candid shot of my hair getting done, 2 hours ahead of show time for pictures is NOT going to work for the mother of the homestead, and I think R. is going to take this opportunity of free legal name change (marriage licenses can do that) to add a title and change his middle name to “Optimist Prime”.

Oh, and my shoes are STILL not here.


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