Monday, July 02, 2007


Finally, proof of what I've been saying for years.

So Science is finally behind me on children. They ARE evil. The wormy little beings live for deception. "Until now, psychologists had thought the developing brains were not capable of the difficult art of lying until four years old".
Puleeze. Their little lecherous lives are all about them and how they can keep manipulating everything so it remains about them.
Thank goodness science was able to distinguish seven categories of deception used between six months and three-years-old. Ohhh, that's just all they LET you find. I think the theory here is that we learn to lie, and we learn what it can get us and what the ramifications will be.
Fake crying falls into one of those 7 categories somewhere. The article used it as an example "It demonstrates they're clearly able to distinguish that what they are doing will have an effect. This is essentially all adults do when they tell lies, except in adults it becomes more morally loaded."
Morally Loaded? What does that even mean? Is it implying when we are older the loaded moral point us directly toward a particular moral conclusion or attitude. So a lie is not a lie, and deception is not deception if you are a baby?

So when the bimbet is crying at the bar and looks long ways at the rich guy next to her to see if it's working she's just reverting to her earliest learning, and has not loaded the moral pointing at her.

Kudos, Dr Vasudevi Reddy, of the University of Portsmouth!


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