Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Thanks to David

Okay, so I read blogs. Yeah, I do it. So what? So do you, and I bet you found it the same way I found David's. That button in the corner.
I have found some very creative, interesting, laugh my butt off stuff. But I'm not gonna tell you where it is. You go suffer through the Ad blogs, and the crap blogs, and the tripe, and...Suffer like I did. You have to suffer to appreciate the good stuff because you have a base, a cross section. So I'm not telling! Well maybe someday but that's not the story today.
First of all nobody knows this blog even exists (as far as I know). It's just for me. Something to kill spare time. Something to jot down ideas in. Something I have access to wherever I go. So if you have stumbled in here, fine, I mean you are wecome, I hope you don't expect much. Since I JUST enabled the comment "thingy" obviously, I would have no way of knowing if anyone has ever been here, but I suspect not*. And even if they had why would they leave a comment? I don't.
*Hee, hee
Sorry. The comment to the flip flop post? That was actually a letter I sent to a friend and that was part of her reply. I just HAD to put it there.

Anyway, David. Right.
So I read these blogs and NEVER do I comment. But there was this one time... I love those that make you want more. Like a good book, TV series, food, or cigarette. "...the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied ~Wilde
So I read his stuff for like 40 min. and I didn't think anyone had told him he was good, I couldn't have him quitting because...What would I do then? Try to find some other addiction to replace him with. Anyone who has ever had to transfer addictions knows it's hard. The replacement never lives up to the expectations created by the old one. So I encourage and dash. Then the next time I'm there he has responded to my comment, very sweet. But my profile isn't public so he couldn't read my blog. Well I knew it was common courtesy to comment as other than anonymous, but I didn't realize I should have my profile public too. After all there isn't anything in it, nor will there be. I'm just to selfish and lazy.
So it's david's fault if you found me because of a nonexistent profile. And I will have you know there have been more than 19 posts, and more recent that October of last year. I don't know why the stupid profile put up the dregs of my writing and lies about how much I write. But at this point, since it is the only thing I have allowed to comment on my blog I feel like I have to defend myself from it.

Maybe I should have left my profile private.


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