Thursday, June 09, 2005

All right people….Flip-flops are NOT shoes!

flip flop
What is with this new fetish of flip-flops? And I do mean Fetish! They dress them up with sequins and lace. They’ve been built up so they are wedge heels. It’s everywhere I look. This is the business district people, not the beach. No matter how you dress them up they are still shower sandals. And it’s not just idiotic women. We all know women are notorious suckers for shoes; I have 3 pairs by both the front and back door. Most women have at least one pair in the closet they never wear, probably still in the shoebox. Personally I have a closet full of shoeboxes. But nooo. I look around and it’s the men too. What is up? Did someone cast a stupid spell this fashion season? But it’s men too. What is up? Those things aren’t even comfortable with that damn little wedge between your toes being the only thing holding it to your foot, making that floppit-flip sound. Not to mention, but I will, that they are terribly impractical. Remember when you were a kid running around with your friends and someone stepped on the back of the thing, in between the flop and the flip, and it jerked ripping the delicate flesh between your toes as that damn toe peg ripped up thru the foamy sole? Remember how it felt when someone would step on your foot? Remember when you dropped the cup. Who knew a cup dropped directly on the toe/foot could hurt so badly? Or how about the time you dropped the crowbar and it ripped your toenail off, or when your sister threw the lawn Jart and you tried to move but your foot just slipped in the thong from the dewy grass and you had to go to the hospital.
I know, I know, Jarts aren’t legal anymore and people on Michigan Ave. or in the financial district aren’t likely to have crowbars and knives…or are they? After all most people probably didn’t think they would see flip-flops on the feet of the business attired co-worker in the elevator.


At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

RamRod said...
yes- i own a pair. a few pairs. okay several- but only one pair is sequined, and NONE of them have heels.
that's just rediculous. the one's with the heels look oddly obscene to me. i don't really know why. but they are the perfect "toss them in your bag when you're wearing heels that will eventually render you
crippled" footwear solution. they're also the perfect after work- "take off the smelly sneakers, put on the flip-flops, and let that shit breathe on the pleasant jaunt home" footwear. not to mention "the damn dog has
to go out- hand me my flip flops" footwear. all of this being said- just because we're adults, does not mean that our friends don't step on the backs of our shoes anymore. and if it's raining? i hate to say it- but my foot has not only slipped out of the flip-flop- that shit
slipped out, and flopped into a nasty overflowing gutter. and by gutter, i mean the stagnant, opaque, oddly irredescent, putrid, animal-killing, shit ain't been flushed out in a month variety... i shudder to remember. my pet peeve? the same rules apply to toes, as to armpits. if you're going to blazenly show that shit off- it better be groomed. i don't care of you're just walking the dog. if your cheap ass is going to sport
$1.99 footwear- paint your goddamn toenails. at LEAST buff them. it's the least you can do. it should be mandatory. if toes are seen- the damn nails should be painted. if the nails are naked and yellow and not
trimmed? shove that shit in a proper shoe, dammit. which leads me to the "french manicure on the toenail". nothing pisses me off more. toenails are supposed to be short. french manicures are designed to make
nails look longer. french manicures on toenails are stupid


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