Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What are YOU staring at?

What? Seriously, what do you want?
I've got nothing. NOTHING I tell you. Good-day!

I said Good-Day!

What, your still here?

Alright, fine. I can waste my time with you.

What is it now?!

No, no, don't go. I meant we could waste time together.
I'm sorry, that was really rude.
Okay if you stay I'll tell you a truuuue story....

A long time ago I came out of the closet.
I was at work and there were 2 other people in the office and I just came out.
They both just stared at me as I stood there blinking wondering what they were thinking. They had this look of confusion and surprise. Obviously, they didn't know I was in the closet because one of them said as much.
But it has these long shelves and it's dark and cool. I liked to nap in there.

Huh, not in the mood. Well how about an Unsolved Mystery

R and I both had Beta fish for a while.
He got his from a fancy-schmancy pet store. I got mine from pet co. His was black and blue. He thought he'd go through a few so he named it Alpha. Alpha was a jumper, he would jump up at your fingers as you tried to feed him. He would make it hard to change the water with all his jumping. R's cats drank the water out of the large vase he kept Alpha in. R called them his fish filters. My beta was red and purple. One of my cats and I loved to watch Mr. Fish swim. He died after 2 months from ick, so I got another (sickly) one from the same pet co. I figured if he was gonna die anyway he should at least have a bigger place to swim. He looked like Mr. Fish so I named him Mr. Fish, but gave him the first name of Lazarus. He died too.
When R and I moved in together we moved Alpha ontop of the bar (away from the 4 pesky cats).
One day he came home and Alpha was gone. The vase was still upright, there was no water anywhere and we never found any fish parts or mess of where he might have landed and/or been chewed. We could only think maybe he jumped.
Maybe he ran away on the tips of his tail like the fish do in Dr. Seuss.

Not that either huh? Well how about a weather report
involving cats?

It's hot and we have no AC. We are trying to do everything but get an air conditioner

R: Apparently putting really cold ice water into the humidifier and setting it to low makes a decent ghetto air cooler.
Just the ice bucket seemed to help last night, although I have no idea how much was the coming storm. Best moment ever was waking, reaching over to see if the air was cooler, then rolling a bit to see Cody crashed out on her back, all four legs curled in the air and just turning her head to me with what I swear was a grin...

Me: Hmmm. We can try it on the miserable Monday they have promised us.

I filled the ice bucket again this morning and put it in front of the bedroom fan because I decided I didn't want to take it out of the window. I came back into the bed room and Cody had immediately hopped up on my clothes to lie down in front of the coolness

R: She's like the wussiest desert creature ever.

Still not good enough?
Well what do you want? I told you I got nuthen.

Sorry but I haven't even had any real time to crawl the web. And, more bad news, it's a long weekend coming up so I doubt I find the time to post. Promise you'll miss me?
Thought not.

True story, unsolved mystery: with spin too funny not to link


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