Thursday, August 11, 2005


I talk to strangers.


Hey just because I have an open forum of words (alright BLOG) doesn’t mean anything. Lots of people like it here because of the anonymity, saying and being whomever they want and even partake in the mob mentality if the desire overcomes them. Some see it as daily notes to friends and almost strangers. I don’t know how I see it. I see it as the freezer. Something with extra space I can shove stuff into and keep it fresh for later. Although I have gone back and found some very un-fresh drafts and some dried out posts.

But in the real world I do talk to strangers. I guess I have that face, that helpful face of someone who might know where you are going. For the most part I don’t ignore people. Sure there are some to avoid. But there is no reason to treat people like they don’t exist, like they are fixtures to be maneuvered around or something. and so because of the common courtesy I extend to people I do get some perquisites. For instance today…I am the reason you were late for work. It’s true it was me. I’m the one the bus driver was waiting for. I’m not there everyday. Sometimes I take an earlier bus. But 3 days ago I was almost to the stop and he took off so I had to run after him. This driver and I speak every time I’m on his bus. No one else does and we’re all regulars. So today when I was 2 blocks away and he started off I just kept walking, no sense in hurrying now. He stopped, but I just kept walking. Either I’d make it before the light turned green or I wouldn’t. I got closer and realized he wasn’t even at the corner. He had stopped ½ way down the block. So I hustled. I got on the loaded bus and he tells me he thought about me and looked back because he knew he better not leave me. Anyway he saw me and waited for me. I don’t think the people on the bus were any too happy and so I’m sorry I was the reason you were late for work.
But you could be the reason I’m late just as easily if you were a little more human and treated people less like furniture.


At 12:06 PM, Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

That was YOU!!!

I KNEW it!!!

Children shouldn't talk to strangers. Even though, EVERYBODY is a stranger at some point.

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Perdita said...

Dude, you were totally glaring at me. I figured if I didn't publicly apologize you'd trip me with your umbrella and toss me in the mud puddle next time you saw me. And and by puddle, i mean the stagnant, opaque, oddly iridescent, putrid, animal-killing, shit ain't been flushed out in a month variety.

and some are just stranger and stranger


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