Saturday, September 24, 2005

Reasons NOT to catch the bouquet

1. I don't want to be next. The last wedding I was at (maid of honor) all of the bridesmaids stood back, hands at their side. I'm not moving - you get it. I'm not getting it - get someone else up front. Fortunately there were some young girls and a couple 20 something’s (with suddenly very paranoid dates) who were willing to fight for it.
2. The fighting over it. What in the world? They are flowers! You will destroy them, you will destroy the hair and dress you spent so much time on, you will destroy your illusion of *sophistication.
3.I did once catch the bouquet, or rather I had it thrust upon me. A fight like the tip-off at a basketball game and the 2 tallest going at it. I am laughing my ass off and all the sudden I see something falling. Damn those cat like reflexes. So Yeah I caught it. 8 months later the couple divorced.

* Otherwise you get to keep that till you fall down drunk on the dance floor

And now a bit of history.
Garter And Bouquet Toss
In Europe during the 14th century it was good luck to have a piece of the bridal gown. The guests would literally tear the dress into little bits. To prevent this the bride began to throw various items of her ensemble to the guests. This included the garter.
The men of the party would often become impatient and try to remove the garter before the bride was ready. Therefore it became the custom that the groom would remove and toss the garter. The bride then started to toss the bridal bouquet to the unmarried girls.

Okay, I can see why you wouldn't want your dress ripped off, but the bridal bouquet toss seems to have the same effect for the recever sometimes.


At 3:28 PM, Blogger Stormieweather said...

Hey, where did you get this picture of me catching the bouquet!?

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Perdita said...

As a journalist, I never reveal my sources.
Okay, it was your sister

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Johnny Menace said...

i detect a lump


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