Thursday, October 05, 2006

Now that's odd

I think the internet decided no news was good news

So I had to search for myself

Man finally sees light after hiding in built in cave in his house for eight years
So, help me out here. If some of your accomplices were already captured and killed (sentenced to death) what kind of "psychological pressure" do you think it would take to drive you out of your comfy little cave? Was it that his only human contact had been his wife? What? Did he look at her one day and say: "It's true, if we were the last 2 people on earth you would drive me to kill myself"

Practical knowledge, etiquette you can use
The book: Etiquette for Girls advice ranges from how to conduct a sleaze-free office fling or a disease-free one night stand to how to discreetly vomit a little in your mouth.

Paul Herold wants to be a loser
But he just so damn GOOD. This here is a guy that never gets his wish because every time he tosses the coin over his sholder into the fountian it bounces into his back pocket. He won AND He got a great job. Man, poor guy! "Unfortunately, once he's on the ballot, there's nothing we can do," Well of course not, it's Paul. This was just the final straw for him tho'. After a lifetime of success and profitable disappointments he wants people held accountable. "If you're one of the 186 folks who voted for Paul Herold in the Blaine primary, tell us why."
And in a related matter:
The Dutch have voted THEMSELVES Europe's third most loutish, bad-mannered nation behind Russia and France, according to a survey in Dutch daily De Telegraaf on Saturday.


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