Friday, October 06, 2006

Test yourself

For years we have known about reciprocal fairness. We reward and/or punish people, frequently before they can do it to us. It is generally thought to be based on social signaling, You read my expression and body language and take the stance I am this type of person so you are that type of person first. First impressions. All we can do it try to read peoples intentions, until we have a history and a relationship. That's what we do as humans. We can, to some extent, put ourselves in anothers shoes. Of course we have a lot of other factors coloring that: who we are, what we think of them, any history we have. Have they hurt us, been less than generous, do they have reason to view us in unflattering light? In general, we have, our own personal baggage.

I try to keep this in mind. Right now especially.
Foot meet shoe and try not to over examine everything while walking that mile. But foot always does, in it's defense a mile is long and generally boring. Foot tries to get in their head (weighing the good and bad, examining the unexamined) dragging every experience it ever had with them along too. It’s always on a sliding scale. How sympathetic is foot towards them.
now they discover: The right side of the brain (specifically the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) is involved in overriding selfish impulses while it does not affect subjects' fairness judgments.
Finally, there is hope for me.

What really hit me was this:
Then they took part in a bargaining game in which two individuals had to agree on the division of a given amount of money. One person proposed an offer and the other could either accept or reject it — but rejection meant that neither got any money.
Which leads me to the discovery that TV "game" Shows are now just borrowing from psycological tests.
It sounds like a show that was described to me. Everyone has to agree on who got the money or no one got it. Something like that. What's next? The F Test? The skinner box?

The designer/producers have gotten so lazy there is a show now called "Deal or no deal". Which (according to their website) is based on “Suitcase Selecting skills” It’s more like how lucky do you feel or how greedy are you. Are we really that easy to entertain? Perhaps we are ready for the next batch of psychological tests. They can perform them on us and then show them on TV. Maybe they can call it "Fear Factor". What? That's been used? Damn!


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