Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Randomness regarding age

I've never really considered old age. The process of aging. I don't recall my Aunts or Grandparents getting older. I'm sure they weren't ever the same but to my memories eye they look the same. In pictures I see a vague difference but not enough to rewrite my memories. Either I was too young or I never spent enough time with anyone to watch the gradual change, see the ticking of times clock. Until recently I didn't seem to change either and now that I have maybe I notice it more.
My mother has lost weight, were as I have gained it. We have both lost strength but she looks fragile and small. I've begun to notice the age compounding. The pronounced wrinkles of age magnified by weight loss, the thinning hair that was always too thick for combs and barrettes, the finger nails brittle, thick and no longer clear as if she had a years worth of acrylic filler on her never manicured nails. The slight rocking nod I at first took for agreement. The moments of confusion she has always had I now scrutinize. She is different, older, not the way I remember her. She is less demanding and more grateful, more oblivious and less omniscient.
I remember noticing my parents getting older in my mid 20'. I remember worrying about my father, what if his hearing IS going. I worried over my mother living alone and having an accident. But his hearing is still ok and she has survived several incidents. I haven't seen my dad for a year and while he says his coastal lifestyle is keeping him fit (and trimmer). I wonder but I forgot a little too.
It's best not to think about it.
Age and weight. Apparently the more you worry about it the fatter and older you become.
In November I quit working out and watching my weight because I wasn't making progress and the holidays were upon us. I seem to have lost enough to have to put the safety pins back into my waistbands.
Course I did start smoking again.

Thank God I'll not have children to torment with my aging process.


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